Ahmad is a student whose hobbies Ushuluddin-stereotyped stereotyped Arabs. Fistful of beard appeared on his chin. According to him, let his beard and tidied every day jum 'at work is a prophet, then rewarding dilakuan do what the prophet. He can be classified as those who are too fanatical views. What he yaqini truth, he kept with his intelligence. He is among those who are lucky, because they always win in the debates with his friends, and influence in the act or look. Not infrequently he is said to gamisnya stodgy, garments such as the Arabs, or the left or the beard covering his chin skin. Until one day she would let her hair menggondrong, because ngajinya to the hadith which states gondrongnya prophet hair. But he had to dissuade the college requires mulya because her hair short and neat.What happened to Ahmad, a social fact that we often encounter. It declared that the true religion, one by most people because it is unusual in a particular environment. sometimes considered to be deviant and even lead to fight their co-religionists. If
ahmad continue his intentions, bisalah have guessed what would happen
to a ahmad, he may lose the depanya being kicked out of college because
they do not obey the rules.Talk about the Sunnah of course we talk hadith. What
we know about the extent possible sunnah sunnah prayers, fasting
Sunnah, siwakan, or things that are commonplace as Sunnah by the
community. But
a lot of things that we often know as familiar, but it is based on the
hadeeth, is a charity which often silakukan Muhammad or even attached to
the Prophet. As command to invite people to do good or what we often say proselytizing, but by respectable society sometimes bizarre. Or
attached to the prophet himself, as mebiarkan beard but often seem
strange and even accused of being a terrorist himself ataau terrorist
partners. That's the world upside down memotar kebeneran. Its
not unusual today is that not true, the trend in the present is the
truth and should be maintained, although a far cry from the truth of the
Qur'an or hadith.Hadith is one of the basic religion of Islam. We
practice every day, whether that relates to the community, worship, or
the law, all of al-hadts, even though it is an interpretation of the
Koran. Al-Qur'an global govern, but al-haditslah detailing the purpose of the Qur'an. See
definition of al-hadith is all that is said, done, or set by the
prophet, it is worth if all was said, done, set the prophet is a hadith,
we live to see which parts are included commanded, forbidden,
recommended, or allowed to be hated, our lives customize it. We
carried out the orders, lartangan away, happy to do the recommended
hated hated what, and tolerant with the possible, we go to the class of
people who are good, Seeing is uswah Muhammad al-hasanah, and we go on a
class of people whose moral mulya, because Muhammad is a figure kemulyaan morals. Therefore, the best figure is actually Muhammad, physically and mentally. Return
on good examples, whether in relationships, business, study, worship,
or a look, because there is no example of a recognized truth apart from
Ma'sum figure error Beloved Allah Muhammad SAW.Associated
with the appearance of Prophet, there is an opinion among us, the
prophet clothing, such as robes, turban, robe, or attached to him like a
beard, hair, or any other, is mere tradition or culture, not something
that needs to be emulated. That need to be taken only from the teachings. Just
because the arab culture robed, bearded and turbaned then the bearded,
robe, turban is a terArabisasi not considered the example of the
prophet. So if the prophet is seen from the culture. I
think the cultures unlike anything God did not forbid it (especially
the prophets) is a virtue to be emulated, if not why God does not forbid
Muhammad atu least do it God reveals his hatred, though not banned. Bury
their daughters alive, worshiping stones, drinking khomer, is the
tradition of the Arabs, before the Prophet was born oarang arab people
familiar with the case, but he was eliminated by the Islamic traditions
and culture of ignorance and lived the culture and traditions that are
not violate Islam as culture cloaked, turban, beard. Therefore,
Islam has spread his lifetime circumnavigating the globe, if not
teaching the people, then people would know different cultures arab
dipenjuru world including Muslim leaders themselves. If
so why not imitate the prophet Persian culture, Greek or even Roman
society whether in dress or when a civilization advanced, it is clear
they are people of high culture, but not necessarily good. And
if we conclude the facts of this era, it is the height of civilization
is a culture of high-value without seeing it good or not-and it deserved
obligatory praying, fasting Ramadan, issued zakat, hajj obligatory
deeds and others, is actually the implementation of the al-Hadith as the
embodiment of the Qur'an are packed in the shari'ah. But often we are familiar with the implementation of the hadith is al-Sunnah itself. Up to the inference that does not mean do not do the sunnah hadith. And this is often the cause of the hostility of the people of Islam itself. It is unfortunate that the cause of the conflict is the wrong understanding, due to the shallowness of science. The only way possible is muhasabah every person, especially in understanding religion.Each one measures mannusia certainly influence the actions of others. Appropriate to what is being said Saykh 'Aly Ibn Muhammad Al-Ma'ruf in writing. "God
who tried to abandon morality, then it will fall to the left sunnah,
who attempted to leave the sunnah jatulah he left duty, who attempted to
leave the obligation he will approach things that are forbidden, who is
approaching her go prohibition on meniggalkan
fard things, if he left kefardhuan fell down he looked down at the
valley of the Shari'a, and if that's the case then kufurlah man.
"According to the author of the book Fathu Al-Karim al-Mannan or
Al-Tibyan about the chain of human deeds.
(Saif. ...!)